Matching Game / Memory Game
- Each white card features little colored chicks in the corner.
- Spread the cards out on the floor or table, ensuring they’re not touching.
- Players take turns flipping over two cards.
- If the chicks on the cards are the same color, the player keeps the cards and has another turn.
- If the chicks are different colors, the cards are turned back over and the next player has a turn.
- The player who collects the cards must say the card’s vocabulary aloud (nouns, verbs, sight words) or ask the card’s question (for Q&A cards), with the next player or the teacher answering.
- Continue until all the cards are collected.
- The player with the most cards wins.

- Notice the blue, yellow, pink, and green writing at the top of each white card.
- Deal out all the cards evenly among the players.
- Players take turns quickly placing one card on one of the two decks on the table.
- If the colors of the cards match on both decks, the first player to say ‘snap’ collects the cards from both decks.
- The successful player must read the collected cards’ vocabulary aloud (for Nouns, Verbs, and Sight Word packs) or read the question for the group (for Q&A packs). If unsuccessful, the card goes back into play.
- If a player calls ‘snap’ and the cards don’t match, they must deal out one card to each player as a punishment.
- Players sit out if they run out of cards.
- Play continues until one player collects all the cards and wins.
- For added challenge or consistency, colored chicks in the corner of each card can also trigger a ‘snap’ if their colors match.

- Notice the blue, yellow, pink, and green writing at the top of each white card.
- Deal the cards evenly among players.
- Players take turns placing a card face up on top of the deck.
- If the color of the writing on the new card matches the preceding card, the first player to slap the deck collects all the cards.
- The successful player must read the collected cards’ vocabulary aloud (for Nouns, Verbs, and Sight Word packs) or read the question for the group (for Q&A packs). If unsuccessful, the card goes back into play.
- If a player slaps the deck and the cards don’t match, they must deal out one card to each player as a punishment.
- Players sit out if they run out of cards.
- Play continues until one player collects all the cards and wins.
- For added challenge and consistency, colored chicks in the corner of each card can also trigger a slap if their colors match.

Rock Paper Scissors
- Notice the ‘rock, paper, scissors’ hand gestures in the corner of each white card.
- Deal cards out to players evenly.
- Two players choose one card each and reveal them simultaneously on the count of three.
- Rock defeats scissors, scissors defeat paper, and paper defeats rock.
- In case of a draw, players return the cards to their hands and choose two new cards for the next round.
- When a player wins, they take both cards and ask the defeated player a question from the card (for Q&A cards) or read the vocabulary aloud (for verb, noun, and sight word cards). If the winning player fails to read the card correctly, they return it to the defeated player.
- Play continues with each player taking turns.
- The first player to collect all the cards wins.